Asset Management


Asset Management

Thesan Asset Management provides investment and treasury services to aged care providers, church groups, charities, companies, and wealthy families.

Thesan has expertise in equities and bonds in both Australia and the US. Covering both asset classes allows us to cater to each client’s risk appetite. It also allows us to take advantage of market conditions, adding equities when risk assets are cheap, and fixed income when risk assets are expensive. By owning assets directly through an individually managed account (IMA) rather than a fund, clients have full control and transparency with lower costs. Portfolios can be managed in accordance with a tailored investment strategy; this might be 100% fixed income, or 100% equities, or some combination. Whilst each client’s portfolio is managed individually, all Thesan portfolios have two things in common – quality and liquidity.

Thesan also offers an outsourced treasury service. This encompasses cash management, investing, credit facilities, banking relationships, financial risk management, policies, procedures, and treasury reporting. The treasury function is often overlooked for all but the largest companies but can deliver enormous value. Engaging professional treasury managers to capture the low hanging fruit is good business.

In all respects, Thesan Asset Management seeks to deliver an exceptional customer experience and high returns over the long term.

Services We Provide

Separately Managed Accounts

Thesan Asset Management offers Financial Advisers customised Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs) as efficient investment vehicles to service their clients’ objectives.

Individually Managed Accounts

Thesan Asset Management offers individually managed account (IMA) services to wholesale & institutional clients and who invest via a diverse range of investment structures.

Treasury Services

Thesan has extensive experience managing corporate treasuries. Organisations without in-house treasury capability can engage our expertise to add significant value to their enterprise.

Thesan Income Fund

Primary Objective

The fund’s primary objective is to generate reliable cash income returns of 5% p.a (net of fees) for investors while ensuring the stability of the initial capital base over the medium term. Any appreciation of capital is a secondary objective.


The fund will invest in a diversified mix of fixed income and alternative securities as well as listed Australian equities. Fixed income and alternative securities will typically include Australian and US private debt securities.

Who is this for?

The fund is specifically designed for wholesale clients who demand a steady stream of income rather than capital growth. This fund aims to provide investors who require current income returns of 5% p.a. while minimising the probability of capital loss to the portfolio.

How will this be done?

Thesan Asset Management employs people with strong fixed income and equities expertise. It is therefore in a unique position to be able to offer an income fund that can utilise a multi-sector approach that will seek to exploit income-generating opportunities across a range of markets and sources.

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Separately Managed Accounts

Thesan Asset Management offers Financial Advisers customised Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs) as efficient investment vehicles to service their clients’ objectives. SMAs are available on a range of platforms to meet adviser needs.

Advisers can utilise multiple SMA structures to realise objectives on behalf of clients.  Asset allocations can be adjusted according to changes in the investment strategy or security selection criteria without creating an extensive administrative burden for the adviser or the client.

Financial Advisers can focus on client engagement knowing that market movements and investment opportunities are being captured seamlessly and efficiently.

Thesan Asset Management, acting as the Investment Manager, constructs SMAs according to Strategic Asset Allocation processes outlined within Morningstar Direct and tilts allocations and security selection pursuant to internal Investment Committee views.

Individually Managed Accounts

Thesan Asset Management offers individually managed account (IMA) services to wholesale & institutional clients who invest via a diverse range of investment structures.

An IMA is a professionally managed investment vehicle commonly used in Australia. It is structured so that the portfolio manager is not the custodian of the cash and assets. The manager is simply appointed under a limited power of attorney which provides him/her authority to use their discretion to make investment decisions, providing they are within the constraints of the mandate provided to them by the client.

We believe that the flexibility and tailored nature of the IMA structure provides alpha, and transparency, and holds Portfolio Managers accountable to their mandates better than other options available in the market.

Thesan utilises investment strategies that have been developed through research and experience investing in domestic and global equities and fixed income, which are specifically tailored to suit the investors’ personal mandate.

Our investment philosophy document describes some of the strategies we have employed, with case studies to demonstrate the outcomes provided.

Treasury Services

Thesan has extensive experience managing corporate treasuries. Organisations without in-house treasury capability can engage our expertise to add significant value to their enterprise.

After ensuring the organisation has appropriate Board-approved Treasury policies and an optimal capital structure, Thesan will use its proprietary cashflow forecasting tool to efficiently manage cash. This releases the maximum amount of cash to either repay debt or invest, driving better earnings.

Thesan can also take responsibility for credit facilities, covenants, banking relationships, financial risk management, and treasury reporting.

Reporting to the CFO, we are a low cost, flexible resource giving confidence to the Board and Management that financial risk is properly understood and managed, and that the financial opportunities created by the business are being maximised.

Are You a Wholesale Investor?

You are trying to access investment products that are designed for wholesale investors. To invest in these wholesale funds, you need to qualify under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) by meeting particular criteria. Please confirm you are a wholesale investor before viewing the content.